Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Years Day 2015

Welcome to my new blog, "In Search Of Focus".

The title might seem a bit cliché given that this is a blog about photography, but bear with me for a second and I'll explain a bit..........

I love taking photos. I love writing. And I (most of the time) enjoy traveling. Creating "ISO Focus" (you see what I did there?) is a way to combine all of those things into one portal. And, most importantly, it will force me to be a little more disciplined about taking photos on a regular basis and posting them here. And hopefully it will make me a better photographer along the way.

Inspired by Toni Ahvenainen's "Year of the Alpha" blog (, I will be posting images weekly to my blog along with descriptions, thoughts, and personal insight. Sometimes I'll be focusing on composition, sometimes technique, sometimes both. And there may the occasional "snapshot" or "picture" instead of perfect photograph (sorry Fro!).

Last night, the last night of 2014, Renee and I stayed in Cincinnati at 21C Hotel and went to see the Philharmonic Orchestra and Storm Large at the Cincinnati Music Hall. Then we had a late dinner at Metropole and rang in the New Year.

This morning we went for a walk after breakfast and found ourselves down near the river at the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center. I absolutely love the building with its varied stone and metal construction. I've taken many photos of this building inside and out but today I challenged myself to find a new perspective or angle. On the southwest side of the building several walls come together and there is an opening where you can see the copper façade that faces the south.

Unfortunately this scene was a little out of reach of the 35-70mm lens I had on my camera, so this is a slight crop to get in a little closer.  Body: Nikon D7100, Aperture: ƒ/7.1,  Shutter: 1/200, ISO 200.

If you are interested in checking out the museum for yourself, more info can be found at

That's it for my first post! Stay tuned for more!



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